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3 of My Pet Peeves and Why


1) People Who Are Always Late

I totally understand when people are occasionally late. I do turn up late too because of unforeseen circumstances. I am talking about the people who are ALWAYS late, and they think it is ok to be “fashionably late”. NO! The phrase “fashionably late” shouldn’t even exist in the first place!

If you think you will take a longer time to get ready (makeup or lunch or you need to feed your pets~~), it is only common sense to just wake up earlier or start getting ready much earlier so that you will be on time. Just like I know I’m a slow eater and I take a long time to finish my meals, I’ll start my makeup and eat my breakfast earlier so that I can leave the house on the dot.

One must always remember that you are wasting the other party’s time by being late. Instead of sitting there waiting for you for half an hour, he or she could have stayed in the office to finish his or her work for another half an hour before coming out. He or she could have spent another half an hour at home with their family or dog before leaving the house. It is really selfish to ALWAYS keep others waiting and wasting their time.

So don’t be selfish ok!

2) “Whatever”

Credit: Daily Mail Online

One of my top hated word of the century.

Because whenever someone says this in an argument, it just means “I’m right and you are wrong  and I can’t be bothered talking to you.”

Even if their argument is flawed, or they have none at all.

This word just spells rudeness, from top to bottom, left to right.

3) The One-Uppers

I was trying to decide between the one-uppers and the whiners. I think I can’t stand the oneuppers more.

Who are the one-uppers? The one-upper is an “annoying person who responds to hearing someone else’s experience or problem by immediately telling a similar story about themselves with a much more fantastic (or terrible) outcome.” (urban dictionary)

Example 1:
A: I saw GD from Big Bang in town just now and I took a picture together with him!”
B: Yeah, my cousin’s friend knows Big Bang’s manager and he managed to get us back stage passes during their concert in Seoul last year.

Example 2:
A: I sprained my ankle yesterday during the match. It hurts so badly.
B: Last time I broke my leg and I had to be hospitalised. I couldn’t walk or do any exercise for a whole month. It was so inconvenient.

Credit: someecards

The one-uppers don’t share your happiness or excitement, neither do they feel your sadness and pain. Why can’t they just be happy for you, or support you in times of need? Most of the time these one-uppers just want to be “one up” your situation — be it good or bad. I don’t know where this kind of mentality stems from. Insecurity perhaps?

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