As spoken with Svenson’s in-house trichologist, Joni, during the consultation and diagnosis, she recommended ‘Vital Energy HairGo’ – an innovative hair treatment for anti-aging and to maximize healthy hair growth with its patented 448 kHz frequency that delivers the optimal proionic effect. This is scientifically proven to correct ion mobilization and achieve cell oxygenation. This treatment boosts cell energy, helps to improve circulation through detoxification and optimize cell repair. The result is healthier hair growth and a fuller set of hair.
The therapist applied cream on my skin and rotated the device on my shoulder and neck areas to promote blood circulation. The warm sensation is kind of comfortable! My Fat Pocket will be posting a video on this treatment very soon, so stay tuned for it as the trichologist, Joni, will be explaining the treatment and you can see the treatment process.
I was told by the therapist that this device is the same that was earlier used for shoulder and neck. You’ll feel a warm sensation while the therapist use the device to stroke your scalp, and this will increase blood circulation to the scalp area and stimulate the hair follicles.
Vital Energy HairGo treatments ends with a scalp massage which you may not know that scalp massage relieves tension by increasing blood flow to your head and it has been proven to aid in effective hair growth.
During the treatment, I asked my therapist if all the treatments provide head massage and she said yes! Just in case you don’t know, I love head massage! I mean who doesn’t?
My hair felt really rough after the treatment but I was told that it’s normal and also it’s best to wait for at least 8 hours before shampooing my hair, so that the product can be fully absorb and does its magical job!
If you’re looking for a hair growth treatment, you might want to consider Svenson ‘Vital Energy HairGo’ as it promotes your body wellness at the same time too!
You can read more on the treatment here.
Nevertheless, this is my first treatment done at Svenson. You can read my consultation post here.