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It Turns out Your Broken Heart Could Actually Kill You


Heartsickness could literally turn your heart sick.

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Broken heart syndrome—or stress-induced cardiomyopathy—is a real condition that can pop up in times of extreme emotional distress (like if you’re experiencing the loss of a loved one), says David Greuner, M.D., the director of NYC Surgical Associates. And it can happen even if your heart is totally healthy, he notes.

“The heart is responsive to stress hormones like adrenaline, epinephrine, and cortisol,” he says. “They make your heart beat faster as your body’s system gears up to perform at a super-human level.”

Credit: Huffington Post

But these same chemicals are also released when you're anxious or heartbroken. In excess, they could make a heavy heart too heavy. “Tons of chemicals over a short period of time can lead the heart to give out because it’s been overstimulated from being in an emotional state,” says Greuner.

The symptoms of broken heart syndrome can look a lot like those linked with cardiovascular woes, he explains. Usually, we’re talking chest pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations—which can go onto heart failure and even death if not treated.

The big bummer: Broken heart syndrome is unquestionably more common in women than in men, says Greuner.

No one knows for sure why that is, he says, but it could have to do with hormonal differences—and the idea that the female body tends to be more responsive to stressors in general. (Per the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, ladies are more likely to suffer from cirrhosis—liver failure often brought about by booze—and more likely to be diagnosed with depression, according to the Mayo Clinic).

Broken heart syndrome is unquestionably more common in women than in men.

So what’s a girl to do? Unfortunately, there’s no way to predict life’s bumps in the road. What you can control: your reactions to hard times. A lot of avoiding stress-induced cardiomyopathy comes down to stress management, says Greuner.

Credit: Chobir Dokan

Research suggests a fit and healthy lifestyle that's packed with exercise, fruits, and veggies can help take the edge off moments of angst and grief. But if broken heart syndrome shows us anything, it’s that your emotions are linked to your heart—and controlling them could be the ticket to protecting your ticker.

Feeling panicked? Breathe deeply, surround yourself with others, and ask yourself easy questions to bring yourself back to reality. (For more stay-calm techniques, check out six ways to calm yourself down when you start to panic.)

Well this sucks. 


Source: Women's Health Mag


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