Being a corporate speaker, I am invited to many wedding fairs in a year to share about my love for beauty and grooming. With cheesy love songs playing at the background, I am writing this article as I am sitting at Amara Hotel’s Wedding Showcase, and feeling a bit sensitive about this whole idea of an ideal age to get married.
Since young, being an avid Disney fan, I have had always fantasized of dreams-come-true and happily-ever-after wedding. One year back, if you had asked me my ideal age to get married, I would proudly (and loudly) tell you I wish to be married by 28 so that I can have my first child before 30. Simple (and maybe silly) reason… I was just thinking about my biological clock.
However, to be frank, if you posed me the same question now, I would stammer and stutter. For a simple reason, I no longer know and am not sure about what I want.
Most of my friends are tying the knot at my age as their houses are coming, and don’t get me wrong, I am genuinely happy for them but am also wondering if they are marrying for love or for the flat. For me, I hate to admit this but I am still pretty clueless about this concept called ‘love’. Ideally, you fall in love with the love of your life, have a deep passionate relationship for a few years, and the next natural thing to do is to get married and make cute babies. While it seems easy for most of my friends, it is something that I have had struggled with for the past one year.
Yesterday, I caught this movie “How to be a single”, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was hilarious, silly and totally relatable whether you are single or in a relationship. My key takeaway - no matter what is your marital status, you need to first learn to be comfortable with being yourself and really there’s no need for a man to make you feel complete. For the longest time, I was searching for love, and it is only till recently, I’ve started realizing that there is no greater love than the love for yourself. And you’ve got to love yourself first, before having others love you.
… So my only answer to this question would be “the time will come when I feel ready, and there’s really no timeline which I would want to adhere to. Whether it is 30, 35 or 40, as long as I’m enjoying my life to the fullest every day, I feel happy being with myself!”
To all singles and attached ladies out there, don’t ever give up on love just because of previous disappointments and hurts; stay true to yourself, and have faith. Love will come when you least expect it.
P.S. Read more on my muse here at (
With love,