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A Humorous Partner is Important to Me


In fact, it is extremely important to me because I need a lot of smiles, laughs and happiness in my life. Thankfully, a silly joke can make me beam and ROFL. So I guess I am quite easily contented? Just that I may need loads of it! HAHA!

Sometimes, when the partner is being too lazy to even talk much or entertain me, I’ll certainly find ways to entertain both of us. It may be a stupid joke, a clown face or some silly dancing… whatever makes her laugh, makes me happy too. I came up with a new category on the blog “Life Stories of #HerineJesz” to jot down funny, nonsensical things for us to read back when we are old.

So the other day, we were on our way out to run some errands. As we waited for the traffic light under the scorching sun, my sixth sense told me that I needed to lighten the mood before Mrs Blackface (the partner… hee don’t kill me) exploded under the oven sky.

Me: “Dear, let’s play a small little game as we walk!”
Jesz: “What?”
Me: “I’m gonna sing (without any sound coming out at all), then you read my lips and guess what song is that!”
Jesz: “Eh? Ok lor…” *laugh*
Me: mouthing “Let it goo, let it go! Can’t hold me back anyymor-reee!”
Jesz: “……..hmmmmm…….”
Me: “So? What song is this?” Then I sang twice again.
Jesz: “LA LI LO?”

Although she knows so many songs, it’s quite unfortunate she couldn’t guess any songs I attempted to. Despite the unsuccessful attempts, we had fun! Or maybe only I did lol.

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