Laughter can help tide you over an awkward situation, it can mask nervousness, but most of all, laughter is generally a sign of happiness. Laughing during sex can positively alter the mood of your partner and yourself.
Anxiety and stress levels are reduced when we laugh during sex. Human beings always tend to consider sex too seriously and also have too many hang-ups about sex. Do I look fat from this angle? Am I tight enough? Are my boobs saggy? These worries can make sex so unenjoyable. A good laugh changes our mood and produces calmness in our body and mind in the presence of our partner.
The immune system is also stimulated in the process as well. It has been proven that people who laugh often are less likely to contact cold or flu. The reason being that laughing during sex or at any other time activates the killer cells resident in the immune system. The immune system becomes stronger when sexual activities are moderate. It has also been found that couples who have sex at least ones every week have 30% more levels of immunoglobulin than couples who have sex less often.
Laughing during sex helps in hormonal balance. Biochemical reactions occur when we are laughing and having sex and this lowers the levels of hormones which cause stress such as adrenaline and cortisone. Laughter and sex also causes a sudden increase of endorphins which strengthens the immune system. Laughing during sex indeed is an activity we can engage in to improve the health of our intimate relationships with our partner.
Laughing during sex helps us feel pleasure more quickly. It takes practice to be skillful in laughing when having sex. Just like laughter, sex builds more neuro-pathways in the body and brain and this helps us feel more sensation and pleasure more frequently with minimal effort.
The skin becomes more sensitive during sex and laughter. The body is kept in shape and becomes more relaxed, the temperature of the body drops and breathing becomes normal.
Laughter is an awesome way to strengthen relationships and alleviate boredom in the bedroom. It is okay to laugh while having sex, so long as it is not done to deride the other partner.
So the next time you have sex, and you’re trying awkwardly to do a seductive pose, or someone lets out a fart.. or you get a cramp in your thigh midway, just laugh about it!
Now, go practice your sexy laughing face in the mirror. Kidding! Just laugh from your heart, and enjoy it!