There is such a thing as acupuncture-treated sushi and Katy Perry is proud to say she’s tried it.
Yes acupuncture, the ancient Chinese form of medicine in which needles are inserted into the skin at certain points of the body, also now used on fish and eaten by famous people. The practice is known for relieving back pain.
Perry had her specialist sushi made for her by chef and restaurant owner Antonio Park. She ate it with Neil Patrick Harris and his fiancé David Burtka.
There is little else to say. Except why? Why do fishes need to be treated for acupuncture? Park’s Montreal restaurant website helpfully explains that the technique is actually kinder to the fish. The needles apparently paralyse the animal and renders it “senseless”, thus keeping it fresh (apparently, keeping it chilled in the office fridge isn’t good enough).
Source: The Independent
Perry had her specialist sushi made for her by chef and restaurant owner Antonio Park. She ate it with Neil Patrick Harris and his fiancé David Burtka.
There is little else to say. Except why? Why do fishes need to be treated for acupuncture? Park’s Montreal restaurant website helpfully explains that the technique is actually kinder to the fish. The needles apparently paralyse the animal and renders it “senseless”, thus keeping it fresh (apparently, keeping it chilled in the office fridge isn’t good enough).
Source: The Independent