Whatever is ailing you ... The cure doesn't always have to be a hard bitter pill to swallow. In fact, here are 10 things a simple orgasm can cure:
Credit: My Celebrity Fashion
1. Irregular Cycles
If your monthly cycle is haywire and you have no idea when your period will come, try having regular orgasms once a week. Women who have regular orgasms are more likely to have normal menstrual cycles than women who are celibate. Your orgasm circulated blood around your pelvic cavity allowing it to grow healthy tissue.
2. Insomnia
Your orgasm boosts endorphins in your system and flushes cortisol out of your body. This induces deep relaxation and slumber.
3. Stomachache
There are oxytocin receptors in your gut which can calm gastrointestinal inflammation and discomfort. A good orgasm creates oxytocin in your body.
Credit: YouQueen
4. Headache
Instead of avoiding sex when you have a headache, try reaching orgasm instead. The endorphins released from your orgasm can relief up to 70% of your pain symptoms.
5. Weak Immune System
If you fall sick easily, you need a healthier sex life. Orgasms can boost infection fighting cells in your body which keeps the flu and cold bugs away.
6. Poor complexion
The pheromones and estrogen your body produces from a good orgasm make you more attractive. Estrogen gives you shiny hair and radiant skin.
Credit: Women's Health
7. PMS
No woman likes the cramps and crankiness that comes each month. Having an orgasm causes contractions in the uterine muscles and it releases chemicals in the brain which alleviate PMS symptoms.
8. Sinus
I learnt this one on Dr. Oz's show. Your orgasm can clear your sinuses by unblocking the airways.
9. Hiccups
Why scare your hiccups off when you can pleasure them away instead. A Dr. Francis Fesmire discovered that stimulating the vagus nerve, which runs from your brain down to your stomach, can cure your hiccups.
10. Prostate Problems
Ok, this one is for your man. Ejaculation may be responsible for ejecting carcinogens that accumulate in his prostate. Hence men who have frequent orgasms can reduce their risk of prostate cancer by nearly a third.
So there you have it, the humble orgasm is mother nature's little doctor.