Cindy Crawford was one of the hottest supermodels of the '90s, thanks to her trademark mole and her general flawlessness. (And now she's the Headmistress in Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" music video.) But did you know that she also has a gorgeous 13-year-old daughter named Kaia?
Credit: Cosmopolitan
This is Kaia when she was a baby back in the day:
Now she looks like this — aka so much like her mom, she could literally be her twin.
The resemblance would totally be scary if you weren't so mesmerized by the glow of their flawless skin and shining smiles, right?
Anyway, Kaia's barely a teenager and she's already following in her mother's footsteps, taking the modeling world by storm. She even has model friends, like Gigi Hadid's sister Bella.
And Ansel Elgort! (Try not to get too jealous.)
Way to go, beautiful genes.
Source: Cosmopolitan