Wheter you're a shopaholic or simply want to accompany your partner for a weekend shopping date; you got to admit some of these foot cramps or aches can really ruin your mood.
Credit: Sheknows
Luckily, there are some exercises to combat the nasty foot aches. When foot aches visit you the next time round, send these exercises to defend against it.
Intrinsic Grip
Credit: Goop
- Intertwine the fingers on your left hand with your right toes
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds
- Pull your toes slightly down to stretch them
- Stay in this positon for 5 seconds
- Repeat steps 1-4 for 10 times on each foot
Prevents: Hammer Toe and Bunions
Calf Stretch
Credit: Thephysicaltherapyadvisor
- Find a wall, lay your hands on the wall and stand in a lunge position
- Bend your right leg to the front, and extend your left leg backwards (remember to keep your heels connected to the ground)
- Remain in this position for 30 seconds
- Bring and bend your left foot closer to the wall, to make your lunge smaller
- Remain in this position for 30 seconds
- Repeat steps 1-5 on the other side
Prevents: Calf Strains and Achilles Heel Pain
The Extensors
Credit: Yogaforrunners
- Kneel down on both knees
- Place a rolled towel on the ground under your feet
- Slowly sit back onto your heels until your bums are nearing touching your heels
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds
- Repeat steps 1-4 for 3 times
Prevents: Shin Splints