Many celebrities were seen carrying the bag that is emblazoned with the signature large eyes. Playnomore's fashion forward bags are gaining popularity in Korea and the international scene. MyFatPocket was in Korea a few weeks ago and we had to visit Playnomore's flagship store in Myeongdong to find out more about the whimsical brand.
Playnomore Flagship Store
98-1, Myeongdong, Joonggu, Seoul
How to Get There: Subway Line 2 at Euljiro 1-ga station exit 6. Walk straight for about 2 to 3 blocks. (Opposite Lotte Young Plaza)
Be greeted by the wall of Shy Girl bags when you enter the store.
Designer Kim Chae Yeon took the classic Birkin and Kelly bag shapes and added the element of fun on the bag. With the pair of sequin eyes framed by fluttery lashes, the design is available in a range of colours from the more neutral ones like blacks, whites and greys, to the bright and cheery yellows and pinks. Our favourite was the sliver one as we thought that it was versatile, yet fun.
Playnomore has since received invitations for collaborations with other brands. A new line was launched with Korean model Irene, and recently, they also launched a Shy Girl edition for cosmetic brand Laneige.
"Playnomore is all about having fun with fashion. It interprets the contrasting concepts such as luxury versus cheap and mannish versus feminine with contemporary wit."
Playnomore bags received Vogue's approval with "the 7 Coolest Korean Labels in every K-pop Star's Closet" and was tha talk of the town at Seoul Fashion Week. Time for us to be seen with one too!